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Sahil last won the day on March 31

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Sahil last won the day on March 31

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  1. Main issue comes from setting scale in CSS, not sure if it is a bug or technical limitation. Also, if you set transform origin in CSS then rect will scale from bottom of SVG. It is not visible in your example but if svg has more height than rect then it will be visible. GSAP correctly sets transform origin and element will scale from expected position. So for now I would recommend setting scale using gsap and maybe transform origin as well. https://codepen.io/SahilAFX/pen/rNgEdmm
  2. You could pin 2 different containers and move content to respective container based on scroll position.
  3. You can set opacity of h1 tag to 0 in css, then set it back to 1 before animation. Solution
  4. I think you just need to remove min-height from body. https://codepen.io/SahilAFX/pen/JjqLjvP
  5. You can use scrollTo plugin to scroll to certain element, but because you are animating sections, you can't use them as reference. Instead, you need to wrap them in another wrapper so you can use this wrapper in scrollTo. https://codepen.io/SahilAFX/pen/jOReGmM
  6. Fixed background only works if element and any of its parent element doesn't have any transform applied or doesn't have position set to fixed. In order to create scroll effect, ScrollSmoother wraps content in a fixed parent, you can see this by inspecting from dev tools. To achieve this effect in ScrollSmoother, you will need to position the image manually. https://codepen.io/SahilAFX/pen/GRLXaGJ
  7. Sahil

    MotionPath and Scale

    There you go https://codepen.io/SahilAFX/pen/eYojXbm I have set fixed dimensions for container for demo. When you make it responsive, you will need to change the value by which you divide pos.y. You can use getBBox method of svg to get current height of the path. You will need to tweak animation and calculation for desired effect.
  8. Sahil

    MotionPath and Scale

    Ya, if you want to use ease then use this.ratio instead of progress. It will give you actual value that is being used to apply ease, it can go beyond 1 on certain eases. To get individual progress, use a loop to create tween for each orb. Additionally, now that I rethink your goal, it is a bit too complex. It would be easy to create this effect by manually calculating position of orbs and rotating them around. If you still want to use MotionPath and ease then you may have to use getPositionOnPath and use these values to calculate scale, this way scale won't be tied to progress.
  9. Sahil

    MotionPath and Scale

    To get progress inside the modifier function, use regular function. Arrow function will inherit value for 'this' from enclosing scope, so in this case it will be window, if you use regular function then you can get progress using 'this.progress()'. z-index, you need to swap orbs manually.
  10. You can achieve that with position sticky, you need to set top property as well for it to work. Check updated demo.
  11. It does pin as expected but not visible because background image is not set on second section. Instead, after setting bg I see that 2nd section is not unpinning because it is shorter than other sections. Setting end to "+=100%" unpins it correctly. https://codepen.io/SahilAFX/pen/oNOdMQd
  12. I think this is what you are trying to achieve, check comments for explanation. https://codepen.io/SahilAFX/pen/xxejZqy
  13. Use absolute: true, in Flip.fit, it will fix the jump.
  14. Because you are setting ease none on the set tween instead of to tween, so by default it animates with 'Power1.out' ease and slows down at end.
  15. You can simply set position of nav on resize. Also, you don't need to recreate draggable on each resize, you could update snap value like in example below or use function to calculate snap position. (Check docs to see how to use function to calculate snap value.) https://codepen.io/Sahil89/pen/eYXGPOa
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